The Uncovering Valour Project was launched to unearth and share the personal accounts of Lt. Col. E. A. Olmsted, a Canadian WWII veteran who served with the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division H.Q. & 13th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA).

Uncovering Valour Blog: Recent Posts

Uncovering Valour Project Launched

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The Uncovering Valour Project was launched to unearth and share the personal accounts of Lt. Col. E. A. Olmsted, a Canadian WWII veteran who served with the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division H.Q. & 13th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA).

Journey to Holland, Belgium & Germany (2018)

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The Uncovering Valour Project’s first trip overseas to Holland, Belgium and Germany in 2018 was a wonderful success, generating significant research leads. We followed the 13th Field, Royal Canadian Artillery regimental diaries, which led us through several cities that were liberated by Canadians - as well as a variety of sites of interest noted in the personal diaries of Lt. Col. E. A. Olmsted. The blog post and updates are expected to be uploaded in May, 2019.

Preparing for Juno75

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The Uncovering Valour Project is excited about the upcoming Juno75 ceremony in Normandy, France. Lt. Col. E. A. Olmsted’s story has been exciting to trace - particularly his experiences on D-Day - but this story has blossomed into a much broader narrative that now includes a treasure trove of personal accounts of D-Day from other Canadian soldiers that we uncovered. Follow the link below to the “Preparing for Juno75“ blog post… Significant information will be posted after a two week research trip to England and France.